Olunka – Podvodné e-maily – podvod s cílem vytáhnout z osamělého člověka peníze
Good day dear stranger Dear stranger, I want to see how much you interesting in finding and familiarity with new and wonderful girl? My name is Olga. I’m hope to your like my picture. I am also looking man with which my life is calm and wonderful. I am very merry, kind and positive woman. But I still have alone and yet very tired of that life. So I go to a dating site and got you email. In fact, I’m searching for real man for a serious friendship and even wedding in future. The most important is my goal – I wish to look a lover to my lonely life! I very much hope that you are precisely this a person. I’ll be glad if we will find our common interests and our acquaintance is most great moment in our future life. Now I do not know how you are interested in continuing our communication therefore greater detail I’ll write about me later! I will wait for your answer. See you soon, Olunka.
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Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 12:43:36 +0900 (JST)
From: Olala Olga <arita_y@nike.eonet.ne.jp>
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